
Planning on selling Hanakoko products in your own shop? That's a great idea!

We welcome distributors from around the world and offer multiple flexible wholesale models.

Please contact us via official@hanakoko.com for more info.

Market Stand

Frankfurt, Germany

"I was a customer of Hanakoko at first. My friends all like these nails so I decided to be a distributor in our local market. They shipped really fast. And they made special boxes for me too. We sold out on the weekend!"


Market Stand

London, UK

"I'm a buyer multiple times. I run my market business in several locations and all their beauty products sell quite well. I like the designs as well as the quality. I've tried many other suppliers but they're the best in terms of goods management and communication. So I will recommend."


Art Pop-up

New York, USA

"We have a small showroom but feel the wall is empty. Instead of painting it, we put up Hanakoko nails on it. We sent them designs that match our theme and they made those exactly as we drew in the sketches. They're beautiful and we can also make extra income by selling those."


Interested in joining us?

Contact us at official@hanakoko.com for more info!