Beauty is like water

Beauty is like water

Throughout history, the definition of "beauty" has been quite diverse. "To the glory that was Greece, and the grandeur that was Rome," even in the greatest times of arts, the perception of "beauty" has always been changing, and different style are built.

The whole western art history is almost all filled with debates about what is "beauty". Rococo was criticized for being too complicated, yet impressionism was excluded from mainstream for being too simple. 

But history eventually gave them all the recognized fame, no matter how controversial the style were at their time being.

In eastern Asian cultures, "beauty" is an even broader mixture. As Asian arts can be seen as a combination of thousands-years-old aesthetics heritage and imports from all around the globe, every history phase has something very unique. 

No wonder in today's Japan, when senior citizens in kimono walk past harajuku it-girls, sometimes it is hard for them to understand each other, but neither would think the other one is not beautiful. 

"Beauty" is never a steady phrase that can be confined to anything by anyone. Beauty is like water, it flows and changes shape, but beautiful things are always beautiful, in one way or another.

So go with the styles you love no matter what other say, hanakoko is always with you on your beauty choices, because we just love they way you truly are.

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