how to improve mental health with manicure

My Mental Health Journey With Mani

Today is World Mental Health Day and I’d like to share some of my personal experience. 

Several years ago I had a phase of depression for no reason (yes that’s true and sometimes it’s really hard to explain to people around you bc everyone be like “how come? Your life looks good!”) Only you know that deep inside you feel breaking down even though you’re doing a good 9-5 job and having a happy social life. It feels like this meaninglessness of life suddenly struck me and I didn’t know what I was living for.

I didn’t feel like dressing up or going out, for most time just wanna lie in my bed having pizza and soda. Then one day my aunt came over and did me a mani, I felt ridiculous bc who needs a colorful mani when you’re not even getting out off your pajamas?

And she said: “Make-up is not about going somewhere or meeting someone, sometimes you just need to cheer yourself up a bit. Look, you’re a pretty girl and these colors look good on you. It’s not every life had such great meanings, but everyday you feel a little bit of a flower in your heart, you can be happier. (btw that's why we named our brand hanakoko later, which means "flower in the heart".) Just like this mani, it’s a little little thing on you, but when you see the colors they bright up you a little.”

Gradually I began to practice this mindset, I came to realized that it’s not the greatest things that drive you through the dark times in life. Of course some people or some place had great achievements, but for most people it’s all the small happiness that add up to make our lives full. Having a delicious meal, going for a walk, getting a cute dress or putting a little decorations on your nails, these small things made our days.

Mental health is a big word, and I’m no expert in therapeutics. But for me, adding a little bit of flowers in people’s heart became my mission. Compared to all the business that is changing the world, doing nails is a small thing indeed, but the happiness is also true indeed. 

Whenever our customers say “ I’m happy with my new mani”, I feel happy too. Because I think it’s all these small happiness that will make our world a better place.

Here are a few tips that I got from my experience that I'd like to share on how to get over depression.

First, force yourself to get up and live a regular lifestyle instead of staying in bed all day. You need a daily routine to keep yourself energized. Of course you can lie in bed for a week, but no more than a month. Because if you do you'll lose the energy to get back to normal, so get up and move. Even if you don't do anything meaningful, simply getting up is a step forward.

Second, talk to people. You can't stay all alone, talk to someone, friends, family, or even strangers. People are social animals, if you don't talk to anyone you'll immerse in the emotions and things can get worse. Always remember there're people out there for you, you're not alone.

Last but not least, get a hobby that can distract you from thinking. Whether it be watching TV, hiking, working-out, or doing mani like me, find something you can enjoy and feel relaxed. 

Just tell yourself that the world is a place worth living.

Hanakoko, flower in your hear.

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