Behind The Scene: The Making Of The Sparkle Collection

Behind The Scene: The Making Of The Sparkle Collection

When I was a kid, they told me it took Thomas Edison 1000 experiments to invent the light, I thought that was exaggerating. But after experimenting for our first chrome sparkles collection, I think 1000 may be too few.

Ok, so why was it so hard?

First, guess what these are?

A new season of Breaking Bad?

Well if I tell you there's huge difference among these powders, you may be confused, how?

Because when you see them under UV light, they look like this.

The magic behind chrome flakies is that they show different shades from different angles and under different lightings, which made them so unique every time you move your hands. But it is also this subtleness among these colors that is the most difficult to master.

For example, these flakies look quite similar right? If you want them to reflect exact the color you want from the exact angel, then it's a 1000 experiments thing.

Or these beautiful babies, you'll need to grind them to the exact size that fit the exact density of our gel stickers, it's another long long time job.

Thomas Edison, you have all my respect now!

Also, we want the different shades to show splendidly but with only one layer, that's another big technical issue. If you use normal polish or gel, you'll need to apply at least 3 layers to get the effect, but we want the sticker to be neither too thick nor too thick so that it won't look fake or fall off easily.

The factory almost turned us down as they thought we were too picky and slow. They asked: "why not do something more easily? You'll sell them anyways."

I've been asking myself, is it really worth it? 

As a small business just starting off, the biggest question is always about whether we should put more efforts in R&D or marketing. Developing product in-house is always very time-consuming and often frustrating.

Sometimes we get a perfect shine, but the next minute we had problems with the edges. Sometimes we made a really stunning shade, but just cannot replicate that in the factory. 

But when we see the eventual outcome, and everybody just wowed at the glitters, I feel so worthy.


chrome sparkle glitters nails reflective color manicure

When we took the first photoshoot of the products, some girls walking by were attracted by the color and went up to ask us:"will they be sold?" At that moment I feel so happy. Every time I see our dear customer like our products, I feel so grateful and proud.

So watch close, here is the Sparkling collection:

Only a part is presented here, more on the way, check our website!


We haven't yet made a lot of this batch as some styles are still in pilot, but we sincerely invite you to try out!

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